So it is been about 7 months here and the excitement is wearing off. A train ride is now JUST a train ride and old building is JUST an old building. Of course this kind of attitude is UN-exceptable for exchange students!!! We needed a way to break the ordinary day.
A German friend of mine(Karina) and I found it!! We took a regular old shopping store and tried on everything. Of course just the regular T-shirt would not do!!! This was an OUT OF THE BOX occasion. Luckily Germany provided the substitute!!
You see, Germany has a holiday called Fashings.. Celebrated this coming Monday! It was originally a day to ward off spirits and now is just day to dress up... IT HAS AMAZING SIMILARITIES TO HALLOWEEN.
and of course the stores are carrying all the new costumes...
and of course we had to try them on!!!
It was a lot of fun and was a good way to break the ordinary German day :D