Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Just A Month!!!!

It hit me really hard today, like a bat to the head.I only have a month left!!!

It was one of those moments where you think to yourself, "What in the world have i gotten myself into???" I am pretty sure everyone as had a day like this and if you can't think of one.......... ........... .....well than maybe you can think of a moment where you have felt like Van Gogh's painting Scream. It is practically the same, in both you freak out and eat a bucket of ice cream or cry into your pillow. Who knows, if it was really bad day you might of done both.

Well,that was my rather depressing day. The good thing about it though is that "bat" to the head woke me up. Believe me I will be hugging my mother more often. The whole idea of my friends making plans for next month (not saying my friends are good at planning) and me not being there feels really weird. I will be packing this month with as much activities with my friends as I can!!!